At Beekeeping for Hope, we proudly support various charities and deprived communities, working towards making a positive impact in different parts of the UK, and the world. Through education, the sale of our honey and raising awareness, we contribute to their incredible achievements.

One of the primary charities we closely collaborate with is Hope❤️4, a remarkable organization based in Moldova.

Additionally, we extend our support to The Green Light Foundation, an orphanage in Uganda. By raising much-needed funds, we help provide essential resources such as food and clothing for the children in their care.

Through our dedication to these charities, Beekeeping for Hope aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities around the world.


At Beekeeping For Hope, our mission is centered around giving back and making a positive impact. We are proud to share that we do not make any profit for ourselves from the sale of our honey.

When you purchase a jar of our honey, every penny from that sale goes to help alleviate poverty. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to taste and experience the pure goodness of 100% raw honey, unlike the sugar-syrup often found in supermarkets. That's why we offer our honey at affordable prices, with all the proceeds going straight to charitable causes. Your purchase acts as a donation.


Our beehives are all supporting a cause. For example we have a beehive 100% dedicated to Hope❤️4. We also have a hive dedicated to The Green Light Foundation.

Each of our beehives proudly displays a logo representing who they support. This helps showcase the cause and the purpose behind the hard work of our honeybees.

By choosing to buy from us, you are not only enjoying our delicious honey but also contributing to the important work of these charities."


We also welcome donations. Your donations will then be used to support initiatives we run as well as supporting our bees.


If you are then why not join our ‘Hive for Hope’ initiative. If your interested please click HERE.


I often hear people say, "charity starts at home!" and suggest that I should prioritize keeping the money for myself. However, that perspective doesn't align with who I am. While my family and I may not be wealthy, we have each other, a roof over our heads, and all our basic needs met. But witnessing extreme poverty in Moldova opened our eyes to a different reality.

I saw houses powered by car batteries and children sleeping in moldy beds. It was a stark contrast to my own life, and it deeply affected me. With that experience in mind, I felt compelled to support desperate people, and in turn support charities and their efforts to help these individuals thousands of miles away from where I live. My desire to make a difference is ever expanding.

The fulfillment I find in helping others goes beyond any financial gain I could achieve for myself. It is a way for me to contribute to the well-being and support of those in need, no matter how far away they may be. I believe that by extending our compassion and resources to others, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and bring hope to those who need it most.