I’ve always had a deep passion for insects and their contribution to the natural world. I’m particularly interested in Ants and how these amazing, yet small creatures are able to accomplish such incredible feats.

The wonders of wildlife never fail to fascinate me, but my true love lays within the realm of insects. In fact, this passion led me to the idea of keeping honeybees as a natural progression.

It is crucial to acknowledge the vital role that insects play in our existence. Without them, our survival would be impossible. Therefore, we owe insects tremendous respect and appreciation for their invaluable contributions.


In May 2023, I received my Honeybee colony in the form of a locally captured swarm. These remarkable bees captivated me, and I became fully committed to their care.

A few weeks later, I embarked on sharing my journey on social media, documenting my experiences. It was during this period that I recognized an opportunity to utilize my newfound passion for a greater cause. Inspired by the work of The Hope4 charity, I resolved to contribute to poverty alleviation in a distinctive manner.

In June, I was fortunate to acquire a free colony of bees, and shortly after, I captured another on my own. By August 2023, I had nurtured five robust and gentle Honeybee colonies.


As a man of faith, I am driven by a purpose greater than myself. My work is not about seeking personal glory, but rather about glorifying the most high. I approach each step with the guidance and support of that higher power, and the rewards I have experienced have been truly awe-inspiring. It is astonishing to witness how much has unfolded in such a short period of time, and it fills me with excitement to envision the future of Beekeeping for Hope. The potential and possibilities are truly mind-blowing.